"Glorious Resurrection Feast 2023" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
2023 Easter - Lift Up Your Gates |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
Raise Me From My Death: Meditations On Saturday of Holy Pascha |
Fr. Anthony Mourad |
2023 Holy Week - Great Friday: The Tree which Gave Life |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
2023 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
2023 Holy Week_Eve of Friday: Let Me Become Love |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
2023 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
I Desire To Be One With You: Meditations On Thursday of Holy Pascha |
Fr. Anthony Mourad |
2023 Holy Week_Holy Thursday: No More Leaven |
Fr. Mark Aziz |
2023 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
2023 Holy Week_Eve of Thursday: The War Inside me |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
2023 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
Cleans Me From Within Meditations On Monday Of Holy Pascha |
Fr. Anthony Mourad |
Lazarus Saturday 'Difficult Times' |
Fr. Youhanna Yanny |
2023 Holy Week Palm Sunday Self Intervention |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
2023 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
2023 Holy Week Eve of Monday: The Heart is a House of Prayer |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
2023 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Hosana Sunday's Homily (English & Arabic) @StMeenaFortWorth ~04/09/2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Christ's Humility Entering Jerusalem"~Paschal Homily @ St Meena,DFW~4/9/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Hosanna Sunday Eve Homily & QA (AR) @ St Meena, SFW TX~4/8/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"The Church-The Way to Heaven" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Overcoming Screen Addiction" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Personalizing Pascha |
George Bishara |
"The Man Born Blind" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Overcoming Screen Addiction" Lect./QA @ StMary/StGeorge Tallahassee~4/2/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Faith & Patience in Trials"~Liturgy Homily @ St Julitta, PearlandTX~9/2/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Seeking Enlightment" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Why Does Christ Pray Before Raising Lazarus? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Seeking Enlightenment"~ Homily @ Coptic Community, Panama City FL~4/1/2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Servants Meeting - St. Paul-Houston" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Servants Meeting @St Paul - Houston Texas |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
How To Be A Sinner: Part 5 - Dealing With Guilt |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
How To Be A Sinner |
"Fifth Sunday of the Holy Great Fast" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Divine Liturgy Homily @ St Paul, Houston TX ~ 03/26/2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Paralytic: I Have No Man |
Fr. Youhanna Yanny |
Power in the Name - Part 3 |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
Power in the Name |
The Message of the Cross in The Samaritan Woman |
Fr. Youhanna Yanny |
How To Be A Sinner: Part 4 - Self-Esteem, Self-Denial, Self-Love |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
How To Be A Sinner |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "The Cross, Christianity, & Salvation"~Feast of the Cross Homily @ 03/19/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "The Cross is the Greatest Power"~Feast of the Cross Servants'Mtg @ 3/19/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Change I Need |
Fr. Youhanna Yanny |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Divine Liturgy Homily @ St Mark COC Nashville, TN ~ 03/12/2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Overcoming Despair in Ministry"~Clergy @ St Mark, Johannesburg SA~3/4/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Is God Just? |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Developing a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ |
How To Be A Sinner: Part 3 - Knowing Yourself |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
How To Be A Sinner |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Servants Meeting @ St Mark COC Nashville, TN 03-12-2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Father's Embrace |
Fr. Youhanna Yanny |
Power in the Name - Part 2 |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
Power in the Name |
Servants Meeting 03/08/2023 |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
How To Be A Sinner: Part 2 - Discovering Myself |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
How To Be A Sinner |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Developing a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ |
Save Us From Temptation |
Fr. Youhanna Yanny |
Power in the Name - Part 1 |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
Power in the Name |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Sunday of Treasures" ~ Divine Liturgy Homily @ St George, Tampa FL~2/26/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Lamp Of The Body |
Fr. Matthias Shehad |
How To Be A Sinner: Knowing My True Self & Potential |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
How To Be A Sinner |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Developing a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ |
Where is my Treasure? |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Duality in a Servant's Life"~Lecture & QA @ St Paul, Suwanee GA~02/19/2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Loving Union With God |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
SBGOC Sermon - The Best Miracle - Feb 19, 2023 |
Fr. Vijay Thomas |
Forgiveness |
Fr. George Malek |
Getting Spiritually Fit: Lent the Godly Bootcamp |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Goals of the Great Fast"~Divine Liturgy Homily @St Paul, SuwaneeGA~2/19/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Principles in Service"~Divine Liturgy Homily @ St John, Smyrna TN~02/12/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Principles in Service" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Act Like Men: Act Like Christ |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Act Like Men |
SBGOC Sermon - Thankful - Feb 5, 2023 |
Fr. Vijay Thomas |
Are you Jesus' Best Man? |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
Act Like Men: King Hezekiah |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Act Like Men |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Empty Yourself;Let Christ Increase"~Homily @ StAntony,SanAntonioTX~1/29/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Theophany Feast Homily @ St Sarapamone, Clarksville TN ~ 2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Miracle of the Word of God |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
The New Family of God! |
Fr. Mark Aziz |
Christ the true bridegroom: The feast of wedding of Cana of Galilee |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
SBGOC Sermon - Grateful - January 22, 2023 |
Fr. Vijay Thomas |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "A New Creation in Baptism"~Liturgy Homily @ St George, NashvilleTN~1/22/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"I Have Seen and Testified That This Is the Son of God" |
Fr. Matthias Shehad |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Decision-Making" ~ Lecture (Arabic) @ St George, Nashville TN ~ 01/21/2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Eternal came under time |
Fr. Mark Aziz |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Fairness & Impartiality"~Servants' Lecture @ St Joseph, Mesa AZ~01/15/2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Escaping the World's Corruption"~liturgy Homily @ StJoseph, MesaAZ~1/15/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Guard the Deposit..."~Vespers Homily @ StMary/StJohn, PleasantonCA~1/11/23 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
SBGOC Sermon - The True Church - Jan 8, 2023 |
Fr. Vijay Thomas |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Era of Grace" ~ Divine Liturgy Homily @ St Mary, Knoxville TN ~ 01/08/2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Glorious Nativity Feast 2023" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Glorious Nativity Feast 2023 ~ Divine Liturgy Homily |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The King is not in the Palace |
Fr. Mark Aziz |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Responsibility & Freedom for Our Children"~Lecture @StBarbara, TN~12/31/22 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Glad Tidings to All the World~Lit. Homily @StBarbara, BrentwoodTN~12/31/22 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Repent & Bear the Fruit"~Liturgy Homily @ Archangel Michael, TN~01/01/2023 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
House on the Rock (St. Mark's 2023 New Year's Theme) |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "God's Titles by St Mary"~Liturgy Homily @ St Simon, SarasotaFL FL~12/25/22 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
A meeting in the presence of God! |
Fr. Mark Aziz |
The Pitfalls of the Spiritual Life [Part 1] | Sermon |
Fr. Matthias Shehad |
The Hidden Gems of The Nativity - Joseph The Carpenter |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
The Hidden Gems of The Nativity |
Strength in Weakness |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Lessons from the Annunciation"~Liturgy Homily @ St Philopateer,TX~12/18/22 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "The Incarnation"~Liturgy Homily (AR) @StPhilopateer, RichardsonTX~12/18/22 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "My Holy Family"~Family Meeting Lecture(AR) @StMacarius, AntiochTN~12/03/22 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Hidden Gems of The Nativity - The Angels |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
The Hidden Gems of The Nativity |
God's Timing |
Fr. Elijah Estafanous |
Spiritual Delusion |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Overcoming Spiritual Lukewarmness"~RevivalHomily @StPhilopateer TN~12/3/22 |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |