The Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
The Adulterous Woman’s Story Explained. Why Does Christ Write On The Ground? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
Why ‘Speak The Truth In Love’, When No One Wants To Hear It? |
Fr. Anthony Mourad |
Should Miracles be a Normal Event in my life? |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
The Spiritual Wisdom vs Human Wisdom |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
The Lord always before me (Psalm 16:8) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
A Beautiful Parallel Between The Feast of The Tabernacles And Christ! |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
Why Does St. Paul Asks Women To Learn In Silence & submission? Is he a Misogynist? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
Is The Holy Spirit Really With Me?! |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
Ask, Seek, Knock (Luke 11:9) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
Can I Seek Truth And Still Follow Humans? Why Some People Are Not Persuaded by Truth? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
We are Different but the Same |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches - Part 7 - The Lukewarm Church |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches |
Be Filled With the Spirit |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
My peace I give to you (John 14:27) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
Why Christ’s Family Didn’t Believe In Him? What Is The Feast of Tabernacles? by |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
What is Our Ultimate Christian Objective? How to Live A Genuine Christian Life? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
The Holy Spirit is A Big Deal |
Fr. Anthony Paul |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches - Part 6 - The Faithful Church |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches |
Prayer Produces Peace |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
Until Now You Have Asked Nothing In My Name |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
I Have Overcome The World (John 16:33) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
Gospel of St. John 3:22-36 |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Bible Study on the Gospel of St. John |
Gospel of St. John 4:1-26 |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Bible Study on the Gospel of St. John |
The Feast of Ascension |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Jesus Is The Only Way To Heaven |
Fr. Elisha Rizk |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches - Part 5 - The Dead Church |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches |
Can We Really Make It To Heaven? |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
How Does The Eucharist Bring Life? Is It Evident That The Early Church Approached It As A Mystery? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
Gospel of St. John 3:1-21 |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Bible Study on the Gospel of St. John |
Love the Praise of God |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches - Part 4 - The Corrupt Church |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches |
You can’t Please Everyone! But you can surely Please the ONE. |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
I Am the Light of the World |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Aim For The Heavenly Life. What Does It Mean That God Draws Some of Us To Him? What About Others? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
Why Is The Resurrection of Christ considered The Feast of Feasts? by Fr. Anthony Mourad |
Fr. Anthony Mourad |
Jesus is the Source of Life |
Fr. Mark Aziz |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches - Part 3 - The Compromising Church |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches |
UNMISTAKABLY RISEN - Part 2 - Victory |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Unmistakably Risen |
How can God love me a Sinner? |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
The Samaritan Woman |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
What is the meaning of Christ Walking On Water? How to Find Hope In Christ? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
Gospel of St. John 2:13-25 |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Bible Study on the Gospel of St. John |
Gospel of St. John 2:1-12 |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Bible Study on the Gospel of St. John |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches - Part 2 - The Struggling Church |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches |
Unity of heart revealing the mystery of God |
Fr. Elisha Rizk |
Healing Relationships |
Fr. Vijay Thomas |
"Why Natural Disasters?" COA Live Lecture and Q&A |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
Christ Gives life to the World |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
Unmistakably Risen - Part 1 - Prophecy |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Unmistakably Risen |
The Bread of Life |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
What is the Mystical Meaning of the 5 Loaves Miracle? Why is it Different From Other Gospels? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches - Part 1 - The Loveless Church |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
What The Spirit Says To The Churches |
What Does It Mean to Be the Church |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
After the Resurrection |
Fr. Vijay Thomas |
"Prayer, Communion, and Intimacy": COA Live Lecture and Q&A |
Fr. Daniel Fanous |
Reach and Believe! |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
Hagar Versus Sarah |
Fr. Vijay Thomas |
Do Our Earthly Cares Really Distance Us From God? How important Is Scripture? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
Now I have a new identity : Heavenly Man |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
Do Not Be Afraid |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
2020 Holy Week 7: Father forgive them |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
2020 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
By His Stripes we are healed |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
2020 Zambia Holy Week |
Holy (Good) Friday |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
2020 Holy Week 6: Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
2020 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
Covenant: God will suffer instead of me |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
2020 Zambia Holy Week |
2020 Holy Week 5: Anointing my own Passover Lamb |
Dr. Mark Girguis |
2020 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
God of Heaven is standing with me |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
2020 Zambia Holy Week |
2020 Holy Week 4: Put your trust in God |
Fr. Elisha Rizk |
2020 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
Cry aloud & Turn back to Me Tonight! |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
2020 Zambia Holy Week |
2020 Holy Week 3: The Joy of Entering the Narrow Gate |
Fr. Mark Aziz |
2020 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
Choose Life |
Fr. Mark Aziz |
Discover the greatest romance again |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
2020 Zambia Holy Week |
My People & My Name |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
2020 Zambia Holy Week |
2020 Holy Week 2: Inviting Jesus in our Home |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
2020 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
2020 Holy Week 1: Rejoice in our King |
Fr. Mark Aziz |
2020 St. Mark DC Holy Week |
Palm Sunday |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Judge Not |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Lord I Believe |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
Qualities of the Church - Accountability |
Fr. Vijay Thomas |
Maintaining Joy in the Midst of Difficulty |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Don’t Lose Heart |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
Living a Christ Centered Life |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Great Fast Sunday - Part 5 – I Have No One |
Fr. Benjamin Abouelkheir |
Wanting To Be Healed |
Fr. Youhanna Yanny |
Do Not Say I Am A Youth |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Repentance in the Holy Bible: Part 2 |
Fr. Youhanna Yanny |
Repentance in the Holy Bible |
Do You Value Your Family? |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Father is seeking |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Hosea during COVID-19 |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
The Samaritan Woman |
Fr. Abraham Fam |
Why the Lord Met the Samaritan Woman |
Fr. Youhanna Yanny |
The Struggle of Prayer at Home |
Fr. Daniel Habib |
Repentance in the Holy Bible: Part 1 |
Fr. Youhanna Yanny |
Repentance in the Holy Bible |
Delivered for Our Sins |
Fr. Mark Aziz |
God in the Midst of Tribulation |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Magic Word |
Fr. Elisha Rizk |
Only in my Father's House |
Fr. Paul Girguis |