Qualities needed in trials (James 1:19) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
Hearing God's Voice - Part 1 - Open Doors |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Hearing God's Voice |
"Do Not Worry" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Your Father Who Sees in Secret Will Reward You Openly" |
Fr. Matthias Shehad |
Turning Back Series - Talk 4 - God Relented |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Turning Back Series |
Why A Vegan Fast? Why Sometimes Allow Fish? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
Turning Back Series - Talk 3 - Our Response to God's Second Chances |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Hearing God's Voice (Hebrews 3:7-8,15) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
"The Bread from Heaven" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Spiritual Building" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Your Beloved Dwellings" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Does God Punish His Beloved Children |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
"God Our Father" in the Story of Jonah |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Turning Back Series - Talk 2 - The Whale of God's Grace |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Turning Back Series |
"Eucharistic Life" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Nineveh's Model of Repentance" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Why Did God Choose Jonah? |
Fr. Matthias Shehad |
Can Faith & Science Coexist? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
St Cyril and the Eucharist: His Body is The Body of The Incarnate Word |
Fr. Anthony Mourad |
The Food Which Endures to Everlasting Life |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Lord, what do You want me to do? (Acts 9:6) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
Turning Back Series - Talk 1 - Turning Back from Resisting God |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Turning Back Series |
Above All that we Ask or Think |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Tribute to Uncle Atef Jacob |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
"Daughters of Wisdom" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Heaven on Earth through the Church" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Virtues of the Man Born Blind |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
"Grit of the Spirit" - Talk 3 - Fighting for our Marriages and Relationships |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
The Grit of the Spirit |
Abiding in Christ (John 6:56) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
Serving Like Christ - Part 1 - Want to be Great? Serve! |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Serving Like Christ |
He Must Increase, I Must Decrease |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
The Grit of the Spirit Series - Talk 2 - Grit Against Sin |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
The Grit of the Spirit |
"Christ The True Bridegroom" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Hypocrisy-A Hidden Sin" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Manifestation of God |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
"My Relationship w/the Holy Trinity" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Queen of Sheba |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
The Grit of the Spirit Series - Talk 1 - What is Spiritual Grit? |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
The Grit of the Spirit |
Be of good cheer! (Matthew 14:27) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
"The Word of God in Our Lives" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Christ is the Door" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Flee To Egypt |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
The God of Hope |
Fr. Pishoy Salama |
"Running to or from God" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The Witnesses of Christmas |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Seven Reasons for God's Incarnation |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Hope Around The Manger |
Fr. Thomas Hanna |
His Great Mercy |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Serving Him Without Fear |
Fr. Pishoy Salama |
Children of God (1 John 3:1) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
" Why God Visited Us " |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
" Loved, Restored, Encouraged " |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Happy New Year of 2021 - Fixing our eyes on Jesus |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
St Cyril and the Eucharist: The Effects of the Fall |
Fr. Anthony Mourad |
The "I cames" of Christ - Part 4 - I did not come to bring peace, but a sword |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
The "I cames" of Christ - Advent series |
Mighty Overcomers: Nurturing a Generation of Godly Youth |
Fr. Pishoy Salama |
" Serving with Joy " |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
" God's calling " |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
" Conditions of Discipleship " |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Why Does Christ Pray Before Raising Lazarus? Why Does He Ask About The Location Of The Tomb? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
The "I cames" of Christ - Part 3 - For The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
The "I cames" of Christ - Advent series |
Christmas is More than a Holiday - Part 2 - Facing Temptation |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Christmas is More than a Holiday |
Obedience and Submission to God (Luke 1:38) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
" Nothing Impossible with God " |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
" Joy Amid Hardship " |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
" The Virtue of Kindness " |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
St Cyril and the Eucharist: Death Enters into the World |
Fr. Anthony Mourad |
The "I cames" of Christ - Part 2 - To Seek and To Save The Lost |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
The "I cames" of Christ - Advent series |
Christmas is More than a Holiday - Part 1 - Growing in Wisdom |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Christmas is More than a Holiday |
" A Source of Joy " |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Taking Away Our Reproach: Healing Church Hurt |
Fr. Pishoy Salama |
"Mariology" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Why did Christ Delay Before Going To Lazarus? Why Wait Specifically 4 days? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
The "I Cames" of Christ - Part 1 - I Have Come So That You May Have Life |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
The "I cames" of Christ - Advent series |
"Inheriting God's Kingdom" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Children of God" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Seven Meanings of the Burning Bush" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Checklist Theology |
Fr. Thomas Hanna |
With God all things are possible (Mark 10:27) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
Patience & Victory |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
St Cyril and the Eucharist: Created for Life and Immortality |
Fr. Anthony Mourad |
Christ Comes First |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Qualities of True Disciples |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Assurance & Support |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
The True Christian Doctrine |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Is There Evidence That The 1st Century Church Used ICONOGRAPHY? |
Fr. Gabriel Wissa |
The Persecuted Church - Part 2 - The Mind of the Persecuted |
Dr. Mark Girguis |
The Persecuted Church |
Detach to Attach - Part 4 - Demand to Have the Last Word |
Fr. Michael Sorial |
Detach to Attach |
The Good Ground |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Seeking the kingdom of God (Luke 12:31) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |
The Persecuted Church - Part 1 |
Mark Guirgis |
The Persecuted Church |
Ploughing the Rocks and Weeds From Your Soil |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
Rooted in God's Word |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Requirements of Discipleship |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Humble Leaders |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Come to the Table - Part 4 - Maintaining and Repairing Relationships |
Fr. Paul Girguis |
Come to the Table |
Two Enemies of Hope |
Fr. Anthony Beshara |
"Concept of Righteousness" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
"Seriousness of the Service" |
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef |
Confessing our sins (1 John 1:9) |
Fr. Shenouda Meleka |
GLOW (God Lights Our Way) |