His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef: "Sunday of Treasures" ~ Divine Liturgy Homily (Week 1 of the Holy Great Fast) Sunday / Meshir 19, 1739 / February 26, 2023 Holy Gospel according to Saint 6:19-33 St. George Coptic Orthodox Church, Tampa, FL Rev Fr Moussa Saleh Rev Fr Joshua Gerges Pastoral Visit 02/26/2023 #metropolitan_youssef #hemy #coptic #orthodox #stgeorge #divineliturgy #divineliturgyhomily #diaconates #holygreatfast #sundayoftreasures #week1 @His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef / @metropolitanyoussef_suscopts / bishopyoussef 🔔 Subscribe and turn notifications on.